Blackboard Ultra Gradebook Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your Blackboard Gradebook is set up to correctly calculate student grades. If you have any questions about Gradebook, please submit a Blackboard Support request from OKTA. For more detailed directions, please see the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook Video Series in our Solution Center.

1. Add Categories: Blackboard has 11 preset categories, if needed, add categories as listed in your syllabus by using the Blackboard Gradebook settings gear icon and Add New Category.

Screenshot showing preset Blackboard Gradebook settings icon

2. Assign Categories to Gradable Items: Use the three horizontal dots beside each Gradable Item to Edit and assign each graded item to the appropriate Category. This may also be done from the assessment settings menu.

Screenshot showing Blackboard Gradebook categories


3. Add Weights to Categories: Make sure your Gradebook is set up to match the grading policy stated in the syllabus. Set grade categories and weights accordingly. Ensure the total equals 100%.

Screenshot showing Blackboard Gradebook categories weight total 100%

4. Select Weighted: Set the Gradebook calculation type to Weighted.

Screenshot showing Blackboard calculation type set to weighted

5. Select Equally: Grade items within a category Equally unless otherwise specified by your department chair or division dean.

Screenshot showing Blackboard category weighting


6. Select Percentage: Select how the overall grade is displayed to Percentage and ensure the "show to students" box is checked.  

Screenshot showing how overall Blackboard grade is displayed


7. Set Schema to Letter: Use the pencil icon to remove the parenthetical no rounding from the Grade Schema so it reads "Letter". If there is already a Grade Shema called Letter, you can delete the schema called “Letter (no rounding)” by using the three horizontal dots to the right of the schema and selecting delete.


Additional Resources

For more information about Blackboard Gradebook, see the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook Set-Up Solution Center article or visit the TCSG training site