Blackboard Ultra Gradebook Set-Up
In Blackboard Ultra, Gradebook categories are assigned to gradable content as it is developed and added to the course. Therefore, it is important to have most if not all content developed and added to the “Content” area before adjusting the Blackboard Gradebook. Items may be added to the Gradebook after being added to the “Content” area, but it is important to make sure the newly added items are assigned to the correct category and have the proper weighting. This guide is not exhaustive and cannot possibly cover every grading category/situation. However, the CTL has done its best to cover as many grading scenarios as possible and provide a succinct way to set up and verify the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook. Please contact the CTL with any specific questions not covered in this document.
First Create Gradable Content in Blackboard
This portion of the article/guide outlines how to create gradable content. Refer to the GVTC Blackboard Ultra lesson/video on creating content if additional help is needed. “Create Item” by clicking on the purple + sign in the Blackboard “Content” page (see image below).
Then select a gradable item, such as an LTI, a test, an assignment, or a discussion forum to create (see image below). A Gradebook category, due date, and grading schema are automatically generated.
For purposes of this example, a Final Exam was created in the “Content” area. After creating the exam, open the “Test Settings” gear icon (see image below). The image on the below left was automatically created when the content was added. It is important to check this, specifically the due date, the grade category, change the default setting of grading points to percentage, set the attempts allowed (one attempt is the default), enable SafeAssign if needed/desired, and add other test settings as needed. The image on the lower right reflects the changes made and the addition of the Respondus Lockdown Browser.
Entering the Blackboard Gradebook
After building your content, enter the Blackboard Gradebook by clicking the “Gradebook” option at the top navigation/menu bar (see image below).
Upon entering the Gradebook, you will see all the gradable content that you have added. Each item can be edited by clicking the three dots in the far-right-hand column (see image below). The first time entering the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook, a message to “Set up the overall grade!” is present. The location of this message is determined by the “Gradebook View” being used. In this example, we are in the “Gradable Items” view and the message is located at the bottom of the Gradebook. Click the “Set it up” message to finalize the Gradebook setup.
Set it Up
Set the “Overall Grade Calculation” to “Weighted” then select “Next” (see image below). NOTE: The Overall Grade (external grade) is a mandatory column that cannot be moved. This column must be configured to detail the final grade calculations using percentages and push grades to Banner.
After navigating to the “Next” page (image shown above), read the instructions there to assign percent values to grade categories aka “Calculation Details”. These values should match what is conveyed in your syllabus and Total 100%. For the example shown below, Tests are worth 30%, Discussion is worth 10%, Assignments are worth 20%, Final Exam (listed as “Exam” here) is worth 20%, Quiz is worth 10%, and Participation is worth 10% (a manual entry, added category). NOTE: Directions for adding a category are included in the next step. It is possible to lock categories using the lock icon (circled in the image below) to avoid categories changing when percent values are changed or new categories are added. If a category isn’t being used, select the black interdictory, not allowed circle. After selection, the interdictory, not allowed circle will appear purple to indicate that the category has been removed from the Gradebook (see image below). The gradable items within a category default selection (circled in the image below) is “proportionally”, change this to “equal” by selecting the “Equally” radio button so that items within a category are weighted equally.
The image below shows an expanded category from the “Calculation Details” page (pictured above). From the expanded view, instructors may exclude a graded item by clicking the black interdictory, not allowed circle, or unlink an item from a category and weigh it separately (see image below). Remember, the gradable items within a category default selection (circled in the image below) is “proportionally”, change this to “equal” by selecting the “Equally” radio button so that items within a category are weighted equally.
Gradebook Settings: Manage Grade Schemas
To adjust the grading schema, click on the “Settings” icon on the far-right-hand side of the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook screen (see image below).
Then select “Manage Grade Schemas” (see image below).
It is important to remove the words in parenthesis that read “no rounding” by using the pencil icon beside the phrase (see image below). If you do allow rounding in your course, you may adjust the grade range by selecting the three dots beside each row (circled in the image below). NOTE: The grade range should reflect those identified in the college catalog and should not be rounded more than ½ a decimal point (.5). For example: A = 89.5% and 100%, B = 79.5 and less than 89.5, etc. If your program chair or dean deems it is permissible to round grades, the parenthetical phrase “No rounding” still should be removed from the text to allow a successful grade push to Banner.
Adding a Blackboard Gradebook Category
To add a Blackboard Category, click on the “Settings” icon on the far-right-hand side of the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook screen (see image below).
Then, scroll to the bottom of the “Settings” menu and select “Add New Category” (see image below).
Next, name your category (Participation is being used in this example) and return to the “Manage overall grade settings” option (see image below) to return to the “Calculation Details” screen and set the category weight/percentage.
Blackboard Gradebook View Options
Once inside the Gradebook, you may view an “Overview”, all “Gradable Items”, “View Grades”, or view by “Students”. Each view is illustrated in detail below.
The “Overview” option (see image below) gives a quick overview of any items that need grading within your course.
Viewing all “Gradable Items” (see image below) allows instructors to quickly check and ensure all items are assigned to the correct gradable category, view upcoming or past due dates, check the item’s grading status, and whether grades need to be posted to the Gradebook. These items may also be sorted by clicking on the arrows beside each column. The up/down arrow beside each item in the far-right column allows you to quickly move the item to a new Gradebook location by dragging and dropping the item. The column with three dots in the farthest right-hand column gives several options that are dependent upon the gradable category. Some options include, “Send an email reminder”, “Edit” the item settings, “Question Analysis”, view item “Statistics”, and “Delete” the item (not recommended for live courses as this will also delete any student submissions and grades).
Viewing by “Grades” (see image below) allows instructors to quickly see the overall course grade, any items needing to be posted, and any missing graded items. Items may be quickly sorted using the arrows beside each gradable item, which is extremely helpful for quickly seeing items that require grading or any missing items. Just like in the “Gradable Item” view, items may be clicked to select various options. One feature that is extremely helpful in this view is the “Search gradebook” feature, which allows you to search by student name, ID, column name, or category. NOTE: The students' names in this example have been obscured to protect privacy.
Viewing by “Students” (see image below) allows instructors to quickly see all the students enrolled in the course, the student's username, the date of last course access, and the overall course grade for each student. The three dots in the far right-hand side column allow instructors to set any accommodations, such as extended time or extended due date for the student, and send a message directly to the student. Items may be quickly sorted by using the arrows beside each column. The “Search” feature, allows instructors to search by student first or last name and ID/Username. To view student's grades in detail, simply click on their name or username/ID. NOTE: The students' names and usernames/IDs in this example have been obscured to protect privacy.
After selecting a student from the “Student” Gradebook view option (shown above), instructors may look at the student’s “Grades” for each item, the student’s course “Progress”, and make any internal “Notes” (see image below). CAUTION: Any notes are subject to Fair Use and Open Records, as such instructors should use discretion if making notes on any students. The three dots in the far right-hand side column allow instructors to add or edit exemptions. The options at the top of the page allow instructors to view a detailed “Student Activity” report, review or set “Accommodations”, such as extended time or extended due date, and “Send a message” directly to the student. NOTE: The student’s name and username/ID in this example have been obscured to protect privacy.
All ATC courses use Blackboard Ultra Gradebook. The Overall Grade is the external grade that pushes grades to Banner. It should be set using percentages and all categories should total 100%. Ensure grading categories match the categories from the course syllabus. It is possible to add manual entry columns for face-to-face or blended courses (see instructions above). Accommodations, such as extended time or due dates, can be set for individual students via the gradebook. The “Post Grades” button is used to post grades for students with graded work. Grades may be “posted” for individual student submissions or an entire class submission.
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