Step-by-Step Process to Build a Blackboard Ultra Course Using the Template

Getting Started

  1. Verify your Master Course title before entering the course (see naming convention below).
    1. Course Name_MASTER_Course Developers Initial’s_U (Ex: ACCT1101_MASTER_RJ_U)      
  2. Upon entering your course, verify the Blackboard Ultra Template was copied into your course. The template should contain “Start Here”, “Athens Technical College and Course Resources”, “Module 1”, and “Module 2” (see image below). If the template is not present, submit a CTL Help Desk Ticket.  

Image showing Blackboard Ultra Template

  1. Click on the Start Here module to open the module and enter your information where indicated with the word “PLACEHOLDER” (see highlighted sections in the image below).

Image showing Blackboard Ultra Template Start Here Module expanded


  1. Some template items contain directions in RED FONT (see image below). Read the template directions in RED FONT, replace the RED FONT with your information by selecting the three dots in the item’s right-hand corner, then select “Edit (see circled items in the image below), and click “Save” to apply your changes. Lastly, delete any remaining RED FONT directions/instructions before copying the Master course to semester courses. Image showing how to edit information in the Blackboard Ultra Template
  1. The Getting Started in this Course item within the Start Here module contains general information pertinent to every Blackboard course at the college and should not be changed or deleted. However, there is a section for instructors to add any course-specific instructions (see image below). If there are no course-specific instructions, delete the PLACEHOLDER in RED FONT by clicking on the three dots in the right-hand corner and selecting “Delete” (see circled items in the image below).



Image showing how to delete information from the Blackboard Ultra Template

  1. Replace the PLACEHOLDER: Participation/No Show Assignment with your own No-Show Assignment by clicking the three dots and selecting “Edit” to add your No-Show assignment (see circled items in the image below).Image showing how to edit information in the Blackboard Ultra Template
  2. Within the Athens Technical College and Course Resources module there is a “Course Specific Resources” item where you may add your course resources (see image below). By default, this item is “Hidden from students”. After adding your content, to make the item visible, select the “Visible to students” option by clicking the drop-down option under the item title (see the circled display in the image below).


Image showing how to make an item visible to students in the Blackboard Ultra Template

  1. Other options that are “Hidden from students” by default that instructors may elect to make “Visible to students” are the “WebEx Virtual Classroom” and “YuJa Video Platform” (see circled items in the image below). One item that should NOT be made visible to students is the “Instructor Resources” item (see highlighted image below). Please keep this item hidden from students.

Image showing not to make the Instructor Resources item visible to students in the Blackboard Ultra Template    

Building Lesson Modules

  1. Two Lesson Module PLACEHOLDERS are available in the template to begin with. Instructors should follow the same instructions as above to insert content in areas labeled as a PLACEHOLDER and delete any unnecessary/unused RED FONT.
  2. Instructors may add or delete Modules as needed. Remember ALL course types must adhere to Blackboard Minimum Use Guidelines. This document is also available in the Ultra CODE Faculty Training Course and specifies the minimum use requirements for each course modality.   
  3. To delete a Module, click on the three dots in the right-hand corner of the module and select “Delete” (see image below).  Image showing how to delete a Learning Module from the Blackboard Ultra Template
  4. To add a Module, hover your mouse in the center of the Blackboard Template above or below one of the existing modules and a purple plus sign (+) will appear. Click the plus sign, select “Create”, then “Learning Module” (see images below). Give your Module a name, provide a brief description, and add an image (optional). Image showing how to add content in the Blackboard Ultra Template Image showing second step to adding content in the Blackboard Ultra Template

Image showing how to add a Learning Module to the Blackboard Ultra Template

  1. To add an image to a Module, select “Add Image”. Then select Image Source: Upload from Device, Stock images from Unsplash, or Generate images (AI). For purposes of this tutorial, “Generate Images” was used. NOTE: It is possible to “Describe an image” to better match the image with module content. Select an image and “Next”. At this screen it is possible to resize the image or adjust the focus of the image by using the plus and minus magnifying glass and the click and drag feature. Lastly, click “Save” to apply the image to your Module. (See images below for detailed steps).

Image showing how to add image in the Blackboard Ultra Template Image showing how to upload an image in the Blackboard Ultra Template 

                                                 Image showing how to adjust an image size/proportion in the Blackboard Ultra Template

  1. The Module 1 Overview and Checklist (see image below) provides a place for instructors to introduce students to the module, add learning objectives from KMS, and add a list of learning materials and activities needed to complete the module (books, journals, videos, assignments, tests, etc.). By completing this item instructors may meet several Quality Matters (QM) standards including 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1.Image showing Module 1 Overview and Checklist in the Blackboard Ultra Template
  2. The PLACEHOLDER: Content Folder provides a space for instructors to upload module-specific documents, lecture notes, recordings, assignments, and tests. Additional items may be added by clicking on the purple plus sign (+) within the Content Folder and a new item will be created (see image below). Image showing Content Folder in the Blackboard Ultra Template
  3. Continue the process described in steps 4 – 7 above to build additional modules. Contact the Center for Teaching and Learning with any questions or assistance with the Blackboard Ultra rebuild process.