Hello!  On behalf of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), welcome to Athens Technical College.  To help you get started, I wanted to ensure you have a few resources at your fingertips.


You can access Blackboard from OKTA: Athenstech.edu > Student & Staff Login. If you cannot access Blackboard from OKTA, please submit an IT Support Request.


Minimum use of Blackboard

Athens Technical College requires all instructors to use Blackboard for their course shells.  Including all face-to-face, blended, and online classes.  Listed below are the minimal requirements for On Campus (face-to-face) courses.   All faculty should use the Blackboard course shell for the following, though extensive use of Blackboard is encouraged.  Complete details are available in our Faculty Handbook (Intranet > Departmental Sites > Academic Affairs > Faculty Handbook).


  1. Gradebook - All faculty members must maintain their grade book in Blackboard for all classes.  The Blackboard Gradebook should be maintained throughout the semester, so students know their progress.  Ideally, grades should be updated within ten days of the assignment due date.
  1. All courses must include course overview and introduction documents, such as the instructor syllabus using Simple Syllabus, course pacing guide, faculty contact information, a link to the Blackboard Orientation, directions for getting started, and the college resources link.
  2. Minimum use for announcements includes class cancellation notices and Continuation of Instruction assignments. Announcements used to communicate important dates and deadlines are encouraged.
  3. If applicable, information must also be included in all courses for virtual classroom link, publisher content sites, and Respondus LockDown Browser download and info.


Distance Education courses (Blended and Online) require an online component to meet seat-time minimums; therefore, more extensive use of Blackboard is required.  Please contact your program chairperson, learning community leader, or division dean for further clarification.


Blackboard Support

Two resources are available for Blackboard issues: the CTL Solution Center and CTL Support Request.  Both resources are available to students and faculty.  

Solution Center: This knowledge base has solution articles based on frequently asked questions and is accessible to faculty and students.  You can search the articles by keyword or browse by category.

Blackboard Support Request: If you can’t find an answer to your question in the Solution Center, you can submit a Blackboard Support Request into the ticket system.  A link to the Blackboard Support request form is also available in OKTA.  


Learning Management System (LMS)

We use Blackboard SaaS, Ultra Course View as our LMS.  If you are not familiar with the Blackboard Ultra platform, you can find some helpful information to get you started setting up your classes using these links:


Training Resources

Once you have gotten your feet wet, browse the Blackboard training resources available regarding Blackboard Ultra in the CTL Solution Center, on the GVTC Training Page, and on Blackboard Help. We have a Blackboard training series you may find useful: GVTC Blackboard Training Modules. Remember, these are only relevant through December 2024 and will be updated as we learn Ultra together.


The Ultra-CODE Faculty Training is the internal training and course rebuild project directed locally through the Center for Teaching and Learning with oversight by GVTC/TCSG. There are two parts to the Ultra-CODE training. Both parts are required for all faculty.

  1. To learn the Ultra platform, Blackboard Ultra training is conducted through Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC) at TCSG. You will receive emails from Shauna Maher at GVTS regarding Ultra Training webinars and recordings as they become available.
  2. CODE is Athens Technical College’s Commitment to Outstanding Distance Education (CODE) For Student Success and is the focus of our current Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). As part of the CODE, our college will begin applying Quality Matters Standards of course design to all of our courses. You will see the Ultra-CODE Faculty Training course in Blackboard. Please begin looking through the materials.


Professional Development

Our Professional Development Guidelines are found on the Intranet > Faculty/Staff Development. All training you complete can be credited to your professional development log. Directions for recording your participation are available in this Solution Center article: Faculty Staff Development Add Your Own.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please submit a Blackboard Support Request from OKTA.  For immediate assistance, you can reach any member of the Online Learning Team by phone or email; we are always happy to help


Andrew Robison

Coordinator, Center for Teaching and Learning

Blackboard Support

Office: J-302-A

706-552-0960 / arobison@athenstech.edu


Nathan Loyd

Instructional Design Manager

CODE Facilitator

Office: I-404

706-355-5174 / nloyd@athenstech.edu 


Missy Lockhart

Director, Online Learning and eCampus

QEP Director

Office: J-302-B

706-355-5080 / mlockhart@athenstech.edu


Again, welcome to Athens Technical College.  Have a great semester!

Hyperlinks used

Athens Technical College Faculty Handbook (requires Intranet login): https://www.athenstech.edu/documents/documentRetrieve.cfm?file=Faculty%20Handbook%20-%20Final%20with%20Cover%20August%202022&d=10

Blackboard Help: help.blackboard.com

Blackboard login page: Athenstech.blackboard.com

CTL solution article: New Faculty Resources for Blackboard

Ultra-CODE Faculty Training Registration: CTL_Support@athenstech.edu 

CTL Blackboard Training Modules: https://athenstechctlsupport.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/folders/66000423460

CTL Support Request: https://athenstechctlsupport.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new

CTL Solution Center: https://athenstechctlsupport.freshdesk.com/support/home

GVTC link to Faculty Quick References: https://gvtc.tcsg.edu/training/Faculty-Training/Faculty-Quick-References

GVTC Training Page: https://gvtc.tcsg.edu/training