Presentations and other Resources from Faculty Forum 2023
Opening Session:
Leadership Development: Building a Team - Hayden Kelley
Leadership Development - Building a Team
Breakout Session 1:
Admissions Overview and Program Changes - Lauren Williams
Business Office Practices - Kathryn Thomas
Intranet Location Business Office Forms
Blackboard Goal Alignment - Dr. Debra Jackson, GVTC
Blackboard Goal Alignment GVTC
Introduction to OER - Erica Roberson, GVTC
Blackboard Reports for Faculty - Sherry Heidkamp and Amy Steadham, GVTC
Faculty Reports in Blackboard GVTC
Effective Student-Teacher Communication: A Social Well-Being Perspective - Dr. John Barner
Breakout Session 2:
Opening the lines of Communication and Comradery among our Programs - Candace Coker and Don Pruitt
Introduction to SoftChalk Cloud Workshop - Dr. Drbra Jackson, GVTC
Using Blackboard Ally to Improve Course Accessibility - Erica Roberson, GVTC
Using Ally to Improve Course Accessibility GVTC
Blackboard Grade Center Setup - Sherry Heidkamp and Amy Steadham, GVTC
Grade Center Presentation GVTC
Building library Resources into your Blackboard Courses is as Simple as Adding a Tool Link - Beth Thornton
Recording Videos for an Online Class - Lisa White
Create Recordings Using Collaborate
Curriculum Mapping in Support of Student Learning - Dr. Laurie McDowell
Curriculum Mapping Presentation
Lunch Session:
Athens Technical College Academy - Tia Benn and Fabersha Flynt
Breakout Session 3:
An Overview of Student Support Services - Shelby Maxwell and Anna Jester
Self-Care in High Stress Environments - Betty Watts
Concur Travel Expense - Cheri Carr
Digital Tools for Student Engagement - Robin Weinrich
Roadmap to Student Success - Dr. Cynthia Teddleton
Supporting the Student Code of Conduct in the Classroom - Lenzy Reid
Breakout Session 4:
Office Design and Organization - Phillip Myer
Mental Health on College Campuses: Supporting Faculty and Staff - Betty Watts
Team Georgia Marketplace (TGM) Training - Cheri Carr
Exploring Virtual Reality Simulations for Your Classroom. TRANSFR VR Product Demonstration - Christina Wolfe
Software to Improve Communication and Increase Security (plus a few tips and tricks) - David Floyd
Jabber, KeePass, ATC things and Tips n Tricks Class
Open Pedagogy: How to Invite Creative Thought and Social Justice Into the Classroom - Dr. Shamala Gallagher and Beth Thornton