Issue: Students and faculty receive an error message when attempting to log into Blackboard.

Error: Blackboard Sign On Error

Description: Blackboard users may receive a Blackboard Sign On Error message when attempting to log into Blackboard.  The message refers the user to contact the administrator for assistance and gives an error code; see the attached document.


  1. Open a browser: Google Chrome or Firefox
  2. Clear your browsing history
  3. Log into Blackboard again.  

If you receive the message again after clearing your browsing history, submit a CTL Support Request for assistance.  In the request, mention that you have already cleared your browsing history.

Note to Support Agent: This error is usually caused by a duplicate session login caused by the user not logging out of Blackboard before closing the browsing window and attempting to log in again before the session has timed out. Or, there is no user account in Blackboard.