Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC) offers training to all Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Faculty. Training includes topics that support professional growth.
GVTC has published several Blackboard Ultra documents to the Faculty Handouts page of their training website. There are two main sections; Blackboard Ultra and Third Party. Each section has subsections that will expand when you click them and contain publications related to the title of the section. Some topics include:
- Blackboard Original vs Ultra Crosswalk
- Blackboard – UBN – Getting Started
- Content – Navigation
- Content – Adding Files to the Continent Editor
- Assessments - Creating Tests
- Gradebook – Customize – Adding Gradable Items and Calculations
- Gradebook – Assigning Grades
There are many documents available, and GVTC is frequently adding more. Please check the links often for more information.