In response to Quality Matters (QM) General Standard 7, the below links are provided to all Athens Technical College (ATC) students. NOTE: All links open in a new tab.

Information regarding the college resources available to students is available in our College Catalog and on our website, including but not limited to those listed below.

Accessibility Policy: Information about the college's accessibility policy and procedures.

Blackboard Help: Solution articles written by Athens Tech's Blackboard support staff. Includes answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), and general information for students and faculty.

Blackboard Orientation: All students are required to complete the Online Learning Orientation before the end of the first week of the semester to learn how to navigate Blackboard.

Blackboard Technical Support: For Blackboard issues, a technical support request can be submitted through the Blackboard Support ticketing system. Please note, technical support will NOT reset or open any assignments or tests for a student.  For assignment or test concerns, students should contact their instructor.

Disability Services/Accommodations: The Office of Disability Services for Athens Technical College assists individuals with appropriately documented disabilities who request academic accommodations and/or auxiliary aids in the classroom or for testing while attending the college. For more information, visit the Disability Services website or contact the Disability Services Coordinator at

Discrimination or Harassment: As set forth in its academic catalog, Athens Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, veteran status, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law).  The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX (Students): Lenzy Reid, Vice President for Student Affairs, (706) 355-5124,, Room H-774, Athens Campus, 800 U.S. Highway 29 North, Athens, GA 30601. Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Jessica Felts, Director of Student Support Services, (706) 583-2893,, Room K-614A, Athens Campus, 800 U.S. Highway 29 North, Athens, GA 30601.

Library: All of Athens Technical College campuses have libraries available to students.  Hours and locations are available through the library’s webpage.  A link to digital library resources is found in each Blackboard course.

Online Learning Resources: Contains information about college distance education policies and procedures including technology requirements, proctoring guidelines, and a link to the Blackboard Orientation.

Password Reset or Login Issues: Students unable to access their college email, Banner Web, or Blackboard can submit a support request to the Office of Registration and Records for assistance. 

Privacy Policy: Definition, description, and information about how Athens Tech protects student privacy.

Student Support Resources: Includes links for student password reset requests, scholarships, college disability services, non-traditional program information, special populations, veteran services, and other available resources.

Tutoring ServicesFree tutoring is available to all students. Here you will find schedules, locations, and types of tutoring available.

Writing Center: Get free tutoring for your writing assignments. This link provides contact information, schedules, and locations for assistance.