Course Navigation and Menu Settings Lesson Focus

NOTE: Per Athens Technical College policy, faculty are required to use Blackboard to publish course orientation documents in all courses, regardless of course type.  Course orientation documents include a link to the master course syllabus, the course syllabus addendum, the course calendar, faculty contact information, and a link to publisher content sites (if applicable).  

We recommend adding a folder to your Table of Contents titled Welcome/Start Here and including all of the course orientation documents in this folder. Distance education courses require more extensive use of Blackboard.

All TCSG colleges have the same general Blackboard layout and navigation options. Familiarity with the environment will help both instructors and students navigate efficiently through course content and tools.

After completing this lesson, the instructor will be able to:

  1. Explain available modules and tools on the home page.
  2. Navigate and explain the course areas, tools, and content.
  3. Navigate the instructor control panel.
  4. Expand and collapse course menu and control panel.
  5. Modify the course menu and settings.
  6. Modify course tools availability.

Course Navigation and Menu Settings Resources

Review the following TCSG and Blackboard resources. NOTE: All links open in a new window.

TCSG Resources

Blackboard Resources

Disclaimer: All TCSG colleges currently use Blackboard's Original Course View. Some of the features and tools of Blackboard that are discussed in the Blackboard resources may not be available at your college. Check with your POC (Distance Ed Contact) for questions about tool availability.

Course Navigation and Menu Settings Video

This video will provide an overview of how to navigate Blackboard and some available menu settings.

NOTE: To view the video in full screen, select the Play button. At the bottom of the window, select the YouTube link. The video will open in YouTube in a new tab. Select the full screen button in the bottom-right corner of the video.