Ultra Builder is an assigned role in Blackboard that allows users access to a CRN when not listed as the course instructor in Banner. Before the migration to Blackboard Ultra, this role was called Course Manager.

Division Deans can appoint any faculty member as an Ultra Builder to assist another faculty member in setting up and maintaining course materials in Blackboard.  Generally, the program/department chairperson is given the role of Ultra Builder. Below is a summary of the Instructor and Ultra Builder roles in Blackboard. These limitations must be strictly followed, or GVTC will remove access.


Thank you for adhering to the definitions and limitations below, which help us keep our Blackboard privileges. Our Solution Article Ultra Builder Access provides a detailed description of each role in Blackboard and the Ultra Builder Request Spreadsheet.


To request Ultra Builder access to specific courses, complete the request spreadsheet and submit it through the Blackboard Support Request system.

Summary description of each role in Blackboard

Instructors interact with students, grade student submissions, and add third-party (publisher) content.  Instructors can also build and manage the course they are teaching.  This role is assigned in Banner by the division.


Instructors Can

Instructors Cannot

Interact with students

See another instructor’s course materials

Grade student submissions


Enter grades


Set up and manage the gradebook


Push end-of-term grades to Banner


Copy/Add/Manage course content


Set up 3rd party (Publisher) content


Ultra Builders do not interact with students.  Instead, they are responsible for administrative tasks related to building and managing the course.  This role is assigned in Blackboard by the CTL upon request.  Generally, Ultra Builders are program/department chairs.


Ultra Builders Can

Ultra Builders Cannot 

Oversee another instructor’s course

Interact with students

Assist instructors with course management

Grade student submissions

Copy/Add/Manage course content

Enter grades

Set up and manage the gradebook

Push end-of-term grades to Banner


Set up 3rd party (publisher) content


Detailed description of each role in Blackboard

Instructor – Interacts with Students

A course instructor is any person who interacts with students, assignment submissions, uploads third-party (publisher) content or enters grades into the Blackboard gradebook. Their division’s admin assistant must enter instructors into Banner so they will have the correct access role in Blackboard.

Ultra Builder – Administrative only

Ultra Builder is a designation in Blackboard that allows a program/department chairperson or another designee to access a course for which he/she is not the instructor listed in Banner. A Course Manager does not interact with students in the course. The role is designed to allow oversight of course materials and Blackboard gradebook setup. Ultra Builder access will allow users to copy master course content into the semester course shell, upload/rearrange course materials, build the gradebook, and perform other administrative tasks


To be added to a course as an Ultra Builder:

  • All Ultra Builders must have a Blackboard User Acknowledgement and Compliance Statement (attached) on file with the CTL. Return the completed form in a Blackboard Support Request. This form only needs to be completed once.
  • The Ultra Builder should complete the  Ultra Builder Request Spreadsheet (attached) each semester. Return the completed spreadsheet in a Blackboard Support Request  for processing.

The ability for Ultra Builders to set up and manage the gradebook in another instructor’s course is granted to our college each semester by GVTC.  This opportunity is based on a positive report that the separation of responsibilities between Instructor and Course Manager are well defined and consistently followed.  GVTC monitors each Ultra Builder’s activity within Blackboard.  Any Ultra Builder that uses their access to grade assignments, enter grades, or interact with students in any way will have the privilege removed. 


Thank you for helping us keep our Course Manager privileges. 


The CTL is always happy to answer questions about Course Manager and Instructor roles in Blackboard. Please let us know if we can assist further by submitting a CTL Support Request.