The Office of Registration and Records can assist students with questions regarding student email, BannerWeb, and Blackboard usernames and passwords.  There are several ways to reset your password: self-service form, email, telephone, in-person.

Self-service Form

Follow these steps to reset your password using our self-service form:


Once your information is verified, your updated password will be sent to your secondary email address that you entered on the form and that should have on file.

Email / telephone

After you have tried using the self-service form, or if you have questions about your student accounts, you may email or call the Office of Registration and Records.


The main office of Registration and Records is located in the H building on the Athens Campus.  If you are on a satellite campus, please visit the Administrative Office for assistance.

Blackboard Tip:

After changing your password, always clear your browsing history before attempting to log into Blackboard.  Please read our article Clear Browsing History and Update Chrome for directions.