There are three steps to the process, please complete each in order.

  1. Set the Grading Schema to Letter.
  2. Manage Overall Grade Settings.
  3. Submit your grades to Banner.


Use this link to watch a video showing all of the necessary steps to submit grades to Banner: LINK TO VIDEO


You must be listed as the instructor of the course in Banner to have the necessary permissions to push grades.  

UltraUlra Builder, Course Manager, and Administrative accounts cannot push grades.  Please contact your division’s admin assistant if you are not listed in Banner as the instructor for the course for which you are attempting to push grades.


Submit Grades to Banner

Check the Grading Schema: Letter

Check that you have a Grading Schema called Letter and that the grade ranges match your course policies.

  1. Go to: Gradebook > Gear Icon (upper right) (Right-side menu appears)
  2. Choose Manage Grade Schemas (top)
  3. Review the list of Grade Schemas to ensure you have one called Letter.
  4. Check the Grade Range % to ensure the Grade Range % corresponds with the letter grade listed in your course policies. (Ex: A = 89.5% - 100% OR A= 90% - 100%).
  5. If you only see Letter (no rounding), but none called Letter,  follow these steps:
    1. Click the pencil icon beside the title Letter (no rounding)
    2. In the Name field, delete (no rounding)
    3. Click: Save (Bottom)

Manage Overall Grade Settings

Check that your overall grade settings are set to Weighted, Percentage, and Equally.

  1. Go to: Gradebook > Gear Icon (upper right) (Right-side menu appears)
  2. Choose Manage Grade Schemas (top)
  3. Confirm the Calculation Type is set to Weighted.
  4. In the Overall Grade Setting section (right side) select that the overall grade is displayed in Percent.
  5. Change the grade weight of items within a category to Equally.
  6. Review the grade categories and weights (%) to ensure they match the weights listed in the course syllabus.

Submit your Grades to Banner

Follow these steps to submit your grades to Banner:

  1. Click on the Content link at the top of the page. 
  2. Choose the Books and Tools link on the right side.
  3. Scroll down and choose Submit Grades to Banner
  4. Click the Final tab. 

           *The letter grade for each student should populate in the Current Grade column.

           * Verify the grades are accurate.

* Add work ethic grade and learning support asterisk if needed

* Add the last date of academic submission for any grade of F

* Leave the record blank for students receiving an Incomplete (I) grade

        5. Scroll to the bottom and select Submit.

Important Notes

  • Failing grades: Any student who receives an F grade must have a date entered in the Last Date of Attendance column. This is the last date of an academic submission.
  • Incomplete grades: If the instructor has submitted the required paperwork to the Office of Registration and Records to give the student a grade of Incomplete, the grade in ILP should be left blank to prevent overriding the Incomplete grade assigned by the Registrar.
  • Learning support classes require an asterisk (*) after the letter in the Final Grade column.  Learning support instructors will manually enter the asterisk after each letter grade.  (Ex: A*)
  • Work Ethics Grades: Courses that include a Work Ethics Grade require a number after the letter in the Final Grade column.  Separate the letter and number with one space.  Instructors will manually enter the number after each letter grade. (Ex: A 1)
  • Assistance: If you are unable to submit your grades, please submit a CTL Support Request.

Checking your Grades in Banner Web


  1. Log in to Okta and go to Banner Web.


  1. Click on Faculty Services.



  1. Click on Final Grades.



  1. Choose the semester.


  1. Click on Enter Section Identifier (CRN)


  1. Enter CRN and hit Submit.


You will see all of the grades you have submitted and can quickly identify any missing grades. If you are unable to submit your grades, please submit a CTL Support Request.